Wednesday, February 17, 2016

MLU Interactive Data

Major League Ultimate's "box score" should really be called thinking-outside-of-the-Box Score. Take a moment to visit MLU's Scores & Results page. And, go down the data rabbit hole with a click of the "Box Score" link of any MLU game. Ever.

To supplement their updated box score, MLU is tinkering with data visualization connecting collected scoring data to a timeline to show when - within the quarter - a player's score(s) happened. MLU is making it look easy to present meaningful ultimate game data. A sample provided by Luke Ryan:

UPDATE: MLU launched the interactive "Game Timeline" which displays goals/assists when you mouse over a player's name, plus a briefing of the point & assist with a mouse over the point in timeline.

The design is clean; minimalist, yet resourceful. The interface is intuitive and logical.

Key to MLU Game Timeline

RELATED: A game score is more than just 2 numbers.

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