Thursday, April 30, 2015

Co-Owner of San Diego Growlers Talks AUDL Team Costs

One of the owners of San Diego Growlers talked about the process for owning an American Ultimate Disc League franchise, including the cost for a team.

Below are excerpts from 'Putting the Ultimate in Frisbee 10 Disc-throwing for fun and profit' [San Diego Reader; 04/29/2015]

Justin Goodman (Growler's co-owner): "There was lots of meetings after that, discussions with the league, but it was relatively simple. The league needed papers signed and a territory agreement. We made out a check and provided proof we'd set up a small business."

"What was the buy-in? What does a franchise cost?"

Goodman: "Last year it was $15,000, but that has gone up to $25K. So, it's doable for most people. A normal person could get up the money and buy a franchise."

Read the full article.

[Photo via SDG website; quotation added to image by SLUDGE]

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