Monday, March 02, 2015

Skyd to be a Magazine

Skyd Magazine plans to finally live up to its name! Elliot Trotter, Editor in Chief of the online portal covering the sport of ultimate, recently announced Skyd will be offering a special edition print magazine in early April 2015.

Beyond their love of sharing the sport through print, they seek for the printed magazine to reach "quiet places that websites and social media cannot: the kitchen of a co-working space, the coffee table of a living room, the waiting room of a doctor's office."

??CAN YOU IMAGINE Skyd Magazine at your doctor's office??

Provided information stressed that the print magazine will not be funded by SkydFund 2015 donations, but instead printing costs are being independently funded. So, expect LOTS & LOTS & LOTS of advertisements from your favorite companies in the ultimate scene.

Based on the teaser, Peter Prial of MLU's D.C. Current & D.C. Truck Stop will grace the cover of premier issue.

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