Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Comparison: Beach vs Land Ultimate Fields

Beach vs Land Ultimate
Beyond the surface, the most striking difference between "Land" Ultimate & Beach Ultimate is the field size.

Beach dimensions are 27W x 81L (16 + 49 + 16). Land dimensions are 40W x 120L (25 + 70 + 25). Overall, the Beach field is 50+% smaller & its width (27 yards) is similar to the depth of a Land's end zone (25 yards).

How a Beach field compares to a regular Ultimate field (yards):

Total Length: 81 vs 120 [-33%]
Width: 27 vs 40 [-33%]
End Zones: 16 vs 25 [-36%]
Total Area: 2187 vs 4800 [-54%]

**UPDATED here.**

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