Tuesday, January 23, 2007


After 25 years @ DOJ, the formerly bearded Assistant U.S. Attorney is paddling to the west banks of the Potomac River. His last day is Friday, 26th, 2007. He'll still be arguing, but hopefully not working every Sunday. Kudos being in the "game" for so long & best o' luck in da VA game.

And for those just starting a NEW job, here's a GREAT way to introduce yourself and show them...I'M SOOOO SORRY!...Frisbee War. This was Dodgeball played with frisbees instead of balls. [UHM...OUCH!] Usually there were two teams and a boundaries that you had to stay inside of. We usually had a few frisbees, 2, 3 or 4, depending on how many kids were playing (sometimes up to 15 or 20 at a time). We always played that if you caught someone's thrown frisbee then the thrower was out. You played until one person or team remained.

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